Returning Students So glad to see you back! Please fill out the necessary information below. Parent's Name (required) Child's Full Name (required) Child's Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) (required) Which class(es) or session(s) and day(s) do you want to register? For example, "Winter Quarter, Preschool, Session 1 and 2, Monday - Friday" (required) Do you have any promotional code? If Yes, please specify here. Is your home address still the same? If no, please tell us your new address. (required) Is your phone number still the same? If no, please tell us your new phone number. (required) Your Email (required) Can you tell us more about your child? What did he/she enjoy most about his/her previous class(es)? What was your child's least favorite thing about the classes? Please prove you are human by selecting the Key. Please leave this field empty.