Thank you for your interest in working for Basic Steps Learning Center! Please fill out the following form to be considered for an interview. For questions, you can email us at Please do not call us to ask for the status of your application.

1. Applicant's Full Name (required)

2. Current/Previous School Name (required)

3. Program/Major (required)

4. Gender (F or M) (required)

5. Graduation Date (mm/dd/yyyy) (required)

6. Do you plan on pursuing a bachelor's or mater's degree in the near future? If so, what degree/major you might be interested in? (required)

7. Please specify your preferred work schedule. (required)

8. When can you start? (required)

9. Your Home Address (required)

10. Your Phone Number (required)

11. Your Email (required)

12. Please type your email address again:

13. Have you taken (or learned) any of the following classes/subject: piano, guitar, ballet, karate, Spanish, Chinese, drama/acting, computer arts, painting, or drawing? If yes, please tell us how many years of experience you have with these activities.

14. What classes have you taken that have prepared you for working with preschoolers?

15. Please write a paragraph of 5-8 sentences about your professional background. Tell us about your experience with children.

16. Please copy and paste your resume here.

17. Please specify your desired hourly rate.

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